The Florida Soccer School appreciates that our players and their families, like our committed staff, have been doing their part over the past few months to keep our country safe. Despite the uncertain times, we also realize that players are excited and ready to get back on the field in a safe and appropriate manner.
We are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and we want our players and their families to know that we will be ready.
Players and parents choose us because they have grown to expect the highest standard of quality, organization, and soccer programming in an exciting soccer environment.
As leaders in our field, we feel it is our responsibility to set
a new standard.
Our focus, during this pandemic, has shifted to being the leaders not only in soccer but, now in health and safety. In order to do so we have reached out to the health department and CDC through a 3rd party to derive best practices. Over the past month, with help of experts, The Florida Soccer School has created protocols and plans that will be in place at every one of our programs once youth sports and camps are allowed to resume.
At The Florida Soccer School, we are committed to going above and beyond expectations and will exceed the guidelines set by our governments for safety.
Our programming will look slightly different as we work to put protocols into place to ensure we adhere to CDC and local guidelines. Below you will see a working list of protocols and measures we are taking. Please note, we are continuing to adopt and revise protocols.
Health & Safety Protocols and Measures at The Florida Soccer School
Click an item on the list for more information
>> Reduced Enrollment
>> Temperature Checks
>> Sanitization & Cool Zones
>> Additional Staff
>> CDC Restaurant Standards for All Lunch Areas
The Florida Soccer School is reducing enrollment for each camp program and implementing safety and screening protocols to ensure a safe environment for our players. Reducing the number of players we accept will allow us to properly implement our safety protocols (Many of which are below).
Limits will be based on CDC and local guidelines.
Temperature checks will be conducted daily upon arrival, for all players coaches and staff members. Any individual that has a high fever will not be allowed entry with no exceptions.
If a player is not allowed to enter because of temperature checks then a prorated refund will be given for the time missed.
The Florida Soccer School has created "Cool Zones" to ensure the health and safety of our players. In order to enter "Cool Zones" all players, coaches, and staff members will be required to sanitize their hands with CDC approved sanitizer. Additionally, all items that are allowed to enter "Cool Zones" must be also be sanitized.
For example, the soccer field will be a designated "Cool Zone." The player's ball, and water bottle must be sanitized upon entry into the "Cool Zone."
Designated areas will be provided for players to leave items that are not allowed into "Cool Zones."
The Florida Soccer School will be bringing in additional staff in order assist with all screening, cleaning and sanitization.
While we are a team and everyone can help out, it is important our coaches are able to focus on coaching. The additional staff will help ensure the highest of safety and soccer standards both on and off the field.
All lunch areas will meet current CDC and local guidelines for restaurants. Reduced enrollment and different lunch schedules, similar to at a school, will ensure this is possible.
All lunch areas will be properly sanitized with CDC approved cleaner prior to the players use of the area. The lunch area will be sanitized again after each group leaves and before the next group enters.
All lunch areas will also be designated "Cool Zones."
During an intense training session our players will need to take a break to drink or refill their water bottle. The Florida Soccer School is creating a new look hydration station to ensure players can re-hydrate in a safe and controlled manner.
For more information on our new look hydration station please contact us, 813.658.8377.
Any common area used by our players will be monitored and cleaned with CDC approved cleaner multiple times a day.
The size of groups will be reduced to adhere to current CDC and local guidelines.
Training vests (bibs) are a valuable tool for a coach when running a training session. After each training session, The Florida Soccer School will take the used training vests, remove them from the field, and replace the used ones with new (clean) training vests.
The Florida Soccer School has purchased additional training vests so that a training vest will not be reused during the same day. After each day all training vests will be thoroughly washed to ensure players have clean training vests for the next day.